"The Aliens," one of the few radio drama series to hit the United States airwaves since the Golden Age of Radio ended in 1962.
The show explores the idea that we are all aliens living in our own world based on the inumerable lines and boundaries we draw between us. The series looks at the intertwining lives of six twenty to thirty-somethings in today’s global society. The Aliens is centered around a couple, Lily and Tariq. Lily, a 28-year-old marketing executive, whose mother is African-American and whose father is Caucasian of German descent, has a problem identifying with her mother's heritage. Tariq, an early thirty-something artist, whose family is from Afghanistan, wishes Lily would embrace her African-American heritage and is unnerved by Lily's pressure to get married. The couple is connected to the rest of the "aliens" characters including the "Humanitarian" Noach, a Dutch aid worker in Afghanistan; Alejandro, an illegal the immigrant from Mexico living in New York City; Thayne, the British drifter and socialite living in Costa Rica; and Dingane, the South African government worker.
Listen to the new radio series The Aliens on WBAI-NYC 99.5FM and online on wbai.org
Saturday, March 27, 2010 at 12:00pm and every Saturday until May 1st